Das Weltkulturerbe
The World-Cultural-Heritage
in 2025
Your projects and my precise observations.
Result: Self-deception
Free English translation on 16 August 2021.
"We help where the need is greatest. The following working groups exist here.
Working group "Children": Support for day-care centres and kindergartens.
Working group "HIV": HIV counselling and support of the self-help group.
Working group "Against Poverty": daily food distribution, second-hand shop.
Working group "One World": One World Shop, information campaigns on the topic."
These follow precise observations do not concern every person involved......., but most of them do!
I, too, am happy to help, because I have realised that there is a great lack of competence in this field worldwide! Unfortunately, many helpers who like to surround themselves voluntarily with people in need of help have often become mentally needy through their lives, in that these people have realised that the suffering of other people helps them to be able to better bear everyday life with all its burdens.
Thus, many people hide behind the weakest of the weak and thus do not let them get out of these needy circles so easily, even if there were a real possibility to do so!
Quite the opposite. There are also already many elderly people who bring or wish to bring their grandchildren or children into these needy circles, because this could give them the opportunity to still be needed.
However, the old and wise residents of the nursing homes or old people's homes also recognise or see through the nursing staff in this respect quite quickly, but are more or less at the mercy of the helpers or else they see themselves obliged to help these groups of people by tacitly taking orders from the helpers and thus tolerating them.
At this point it should not go unmentioned that a lot of money can be earned by helping others and a lot of money is earned in this respect by procuring many jobs * in the social sector and in the social-psychological sector*!
Of course, there are still people who want to help others out of a natural motive, whereby what counts above all is charity and the desire to achieve something for other people or to help, so that these people in need of help can better find their way in life, or even to be able to get by without help one day.
The above are of course partly harsh insinuations for some people, but it is generally known that something special always surrounds and distinguishes the disabled or the weak!
It is increasingly* a pleasant interaction* to be able to work with the disabled or weak, which usually distinguishes the employees and can always be referred to that work.
Thus, in this respect, every affected* person should ask oneself what one own deficit is and by whom or by what it is present. Then one should try to name it in order to be able to contribute oneself better and not in order to be able to hide oneself better behind others, especially those who cannot hurt a person mentally.
This is exactly my observation, which my person gets confirmed again and again when I deal with helpers of any kind.
First it is the turn of those who have something special around them. Only then does it become the turn of those who have been able to hide behind these special people.
And this is usually only done by people who have chosen this vocation or profession in the social services solely for the sake of others, and the word "serve" is not a foreign word to these people!
It is a great, great pity that such a letter has to exist, also because it could put people with pure motives in a wrong light!
Ursula Sabisch
Luebeck, 5 October 2016
HP: When deceiving yourself, please do not forget that there is of course One who will know exactly how you and this and that person really are! At this point you should rethink your deficits in two tracks and include your pet as well, because an animal in particular is also abused in this respect and you can hide behind a love of animals very well!
Please let the German-language document be translated into many languages and be handed over to the right places!
* Checked 11 Dec. 2018.